As lead consultant, M&A has supported an in-situ bioremediation system to treat perchlorate since 2008. Our role has now grown to oversee remedy expansion and optimization and to develop a new regional groundwater model.
The Boeing Company
Location: Sacramento, California
Effective long-term strategic direction and management support for a groundwater resource protection remedy
The regional plume associated with this site threatens numerous public water supply wells. The contaminants of concern include perchlorate and VOCs, primarily trichloroethene (TCE). Boeing currently maintains two pump-and-treat systems operating at about 3,000 gpm.
Strategy-level services include project planning, cost forecasting, and cost management. We also serve as the technical liaison to large stakeholder group and manage or conduct a range of analyses to ensure remedy effectiveness and regulatory compliance.
Groundwater Remediation
- Managed remedial investigation, well drilling and design, data analysis, and reporting
- Completed a site-wide feasibility study (FS) and remedial action plan (RAP) for the lead regulatory agencies (Department of Toxic Substances Control and Regional Water Quality Control Board)
- Completed interim RAPs for individual operable units
- Conducted remedial investigations to characterize hydrogeologic conditions and the distribution of contaminants at the site
- Managed and directed expansion of the remedy and monitoring network to increase capture and optimize operations
- Provided technical oversight for the design and construction of extraction wells and monitor wells
- Directed the successful completion of an in situ biotreatment remedy for perchlorate in a primary source area
- Developed comprehensive database of groundwater level and water quality data from over 600 wells nested within 200 boreholes
- Prepared multiple Five-Year Review reports
Groundwater Modeling
- Developed and calibrated a multi-layer, transient, flow-and-transport model using MODFLOW, MT3D, and MODPATH to manage and evaluate remedial wellfield effectiveness and contaminant plume capture
- Conducted vadose zone modeling to assess source areas
3D Geologic Modeling
- Constructed a new model for managing and optimizing the long-term groundwater remedy that will incorporate a 3D Leapfrog model and hydrogeologic data from more than 3,000 wells
Permitting & Compliance
- Managed a compliance monitoring and reporting program
- Obtained waste-discharge permits for the source control remedy and ensured permit compliance