October 13, 2022

Category: News

Mijal Baron, an engineer in M&A’s Santiago, Chile, office, is presenting at this week’s Congreso Tecnológico Indígena, October 11-14 at the Universidad de Chile.

Mijal’s talk – which she prepared for her civil engineering degree dissertation – is titled “Impacto del cambio de cobertura de suelo en la hidrología de la cuenca del río Bío bío en el periodo 1850-2014 mediante simulaciones hidrológicas y reconstrucción dendrocronológica” (“Impact of land cover change on the hydrology of the Bío bío river basin in the period 1850-2014 using hydrological simulations and dendrochronological reconstruction”). Her work focused on a socio hydrologic perspective, which included conflicts between wood and hydropower development and the customs, traditions, and beliefs of native communities.

Congratulations, Mijal!

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