Derek Groenendyk
Groundwater Hydrologist
Areas of Specialization
Hydrogeologic Characterization
Numerical Modeling
Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling
Derek Groenendyk joined M&A in 2017 while pursuing his doctoral dissertation at the University of Arizona in Hydrology and Water Resources. He works on developing numerical models for complex groundwater and surface water systems. Derek has a background in quantitative hydrology and computational science. He also has experience with water quality, soil physics, and remote sensing. His graduate research focused on hydrologic and crop modeling and soil moisture, aimed at agricultural land and crop management and stewardship. He worked for the USGS Arizona Water Science Center developing software and collecting monitoring data.

At A Glance
Experience since 2014
M.S., Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Iowa State University
B.A., Computational Science
Central College
Select Publications
Hydrologic-Process-Based Soil Texture Classifications for Improved Visualization of Landscape Function