Planning that builds water supply security

M&A is a leader in developing plans to protect and manage groundwater and surface water resources. We have experience with groundwater planning at a regional scale and with implementing local groundwater projects to improve reliability and sustainability. Groundwater management plans encompass an inventory of supplies, projection of future demands, and deployment of various strategies and projects to reach desired conditions such as sustainability. It often involves our expertise in groundwater modeling, managed aquifer recharge, and water policy and economics. We use modeling to evaluate scenarios and visualization tools to communicate with stakeholders and clients.

With the acquisition of HydroMetrics WRI in 2018, M&A has secured a reputation as a leading firm in implementation of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Since its inception, M&A staff have been actively involved with SGMA serving as advisors to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), local water agencies, local stakeholders and growers, and non-governmental organizations to develop and direct statewide SGMA policy. Our experience covers all aspects of SGMA implementation including forming Groundwater Sustainability Agencies, applying to modify groundwater basin boundaries, applying for grant funding, and leading development of the Groundwater Sustainability Plans for several basins.