Leslie Katz, P.G.
Principal Hydrogeologist
Areas of Specialization
Wellfield Design, Evaluation, and Optimization
Remedial Investigation
Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions
Groundwater Quality Assessment
Leslie Katz has more than 30 years of diverse experience in hydrogeology. Much of her work at M&A has focused on managing large-scale, multi-disciplinary projects — including many that incorporate groundwater models — and providing technical support for legal negotiations and proceedings. She has helped clients integrate traditional and innovative remedial strategies at contaminated sites. At one Superfund site, she was part of a team that designed and implemented pilot studies using in situ oxidation methods to remediate VOCs at several discrete source areas. She has provided strategic leadership for remedial activities at the North Indian Bend Wash Superfund Site for over 20 years and has overseen other investigations at many other state and federal Superfund sites.
Leslie also specializes in coordinating the full spectrum of water resources and permitting services for clients in the power sector, including both traditional coal and gas-fired plants and utility-scale solar thermal facilities. She provided support for Arizona Aquifer Protection Permits (APPs) at the Cholla Power Plant, the Solana Generating Station, and proposed natural gas storage and CO2 injection sites. In addition, she is working with several clients to meet requirements of the new Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule.
Leslie joined M&A in 1989 after stints with Pima County Wastewater and the City of Tucson Water Department. She served on the University of Arizona Geosciences Department Advisory Board from 2016-2020, and has served on the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality Advisory Council since 2016.

At A Glance
Experience since 1987
M.S., Hydrology
University of Arizona
B.S., Geology
University of Arizona