John Petti
Principal Hydrogeologist
Field Operations Manager
Areas of Specialization
Hydrogeologic Field Investigations
Environmental Hydrogeology
Database Development
Sensor and Data-Acquisition Systems
John Petti, as field operations manager, works closely with project managers in our U.S. offices to help scope, plan, coordinate, staff, and execute field operations. He has experience leading and supporting field characterization, testing, monitoring, and data collection projects for municipal, utility, and mining operations in the western United States. John joined M&A in 2008, bringing experience in instrumentation and data systems, environmental site characterization, hydrometeorology, and hydrogeology. He specializes in designing and implementing surface and subsurface field investigations and integrating data-acquisition systems with real-time web-based data services.

At A Glance
Experience since 1996
M.S., Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington
B.A., Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago