
We envision a company of passionate professionals providing industry-leading water resource expertise to effect positive change for the communities, ecosystems, and industries we serve.


We aim to deliver lasting water resource solutions guided by the principles of scientific rigor, respect in the workplace, and environmental responsibility.


We value professional integrity, personal accountability, and mutual respect. We care about our work, clients, communities, the environment, and each other.

Company Culture

Since 1984, M&A has built a reputation for doing exceptional work and fostering a strong company culture. M&A professionals are dedicated to high-quality science and work together in a supportive, open environment that encourages the exchange of ideas. This combination of a motivated team and a collaborative atmosphere is the foundation of our success. Our positive culture is evident in our long-standing client relationships and notable employee retention; many clients and employees have worked with us for decades.

Here’s what some of our staff members have to say about M&A culture:

Management prioritizes treating staff well and doing a great job, so clients want to continue to work with us.
Georgina King, P.G., C.Hg., Oakland

I like working with diverse colleagues in different offices around the world.

Michael Levengood, Tucson

Everyone pulls their weight and tries their best to problem solve. Even with that drive, the company still values flexibility and work-life balance.

Ben Krisanto Paras, Tucson

What’s so satisfying about my job is that I am making a difference while working with an exceptional team of dedicated staff.

Lisa Porta, P.E., Sacramento

We work hard to continue some of our traditions, and we celebrate special events in each other’s lives. M&A is my second family.

Cynthia Stefan, Tucson

M&A is a company that values its employees and values quality work. There’s a professional character here that I had not seen before.

Manuel Merino, Santiago